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SDHA General Annual Membership Meeting Kjerstad Event Center Rapid City, SD October 24, 2024 Vice President Jason Reed Called the meeting to order at 7:08. Roll was taken and 11 members in good standing were in attendance. Jason asked for reading of the minutes. Secretary Susie Reed read the minutes. Bob Janssen moved to approve the minutes as read, Barb Lenocker seconded. Motion carried. Susie gave a treasurer’s report of currently having $30,326.02 in the checking with $3,11.00 of that monies being the Breeders Futurity money. Jeff moved to accept treasurers report as read, Bob Janssen seconded. Motion carried. Jason discussed the by law change proposed by the directors. This will change the number of directors from seven to five. Discussion was held and a ballot was passed out for the vote. Votes tally as follows: 8 yes, 3 no. By law proposal passes. Under unfinished business Jason discussed the circuit and some possible happenings with NCHA. Susie Read some of the new changes to shows from NCHA that might impact our shows and how we put them on. Election of officers results are as follows: Barb Lenocker moved to nominate Jason Reed for president, Dustin Luper seconded. Nomination ceased and Jason will be the president for 2025. Barb Lenocker moved to nominate Dustin Luper for vice president, Susan Meyer seconded. Nomination ceased and Dustin Luper will be the vice president for 2025. Due to the by law change we only needed one new director. Dustin Luper moved to nominate Barb Lenocker Jane Rager seconded. Jason Reed moved to nominate Kathy Strain Susan Meyer seconded. Motion ceased and vote was taken. Barb Lenocker received 5 votes; Kathy received 2 votes. Barb Lenocker will be the new director for the next 3 years. With no new business Jason reed asked for a motion to adjourn. Jeff moved and Barb seconded. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Susie Reed SDCHA Sec/Treas